Wednesday, May 7, 2008

One month down!

I had my one month appointment with Dr. Evanson and a dietician last Thursday. I was down 30 pounds - woohoo! Right where Dr. Evanson said he expected me to be. I will see me again in 3 months. I told him I want to be down 100 pounds total by Christmas. His exact words, "oh, no problem." Hopefully he's right. The excitement from the dietician appointment is that I can now have crackers and whole grain cereal - whoop whoop! Very exciting.

Did my first traveling and going out to eat this past weekend for Mary's graduation. Went very well. Took some lunch packs of tuna and chicken salad. Ordered cottage cheese one night and soup the next. Was easier than I thought. As of today, I am down 34 pounds, so at least I know I can travel and stay on program.

Went and saw Dr. Wunder, my family physician, Monday for a BP check. 126/90. Borderline. He told me he wasn't going to put me on anything right now, just watch it closely since we know I'm losing weight. I go back to him in 6 weeks. I was excited to stay off of meds.

That's about all from here. My jeans fit again, my rings fit again, and I'm under 300 lbs. Life is good!