Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Slowly but surely....

Milestone this morning - his 219. Only 20 pounds until I go under the 200 mark. Weight loss has been really slow lately. Mostly due to my own fault of snacking too much. Now that my surgiversary is less than a month away, I'm kicking my hiney back into control.

Even though the scale hasn't moved much, the exercise is paying off in my clothes. At Old Navy last week I was able to buy a size 18 pants (not 18W, but a regular 18!) and an XL sweater. It's been a super long time since I didn't have at least two X's in my size! So, that has been exciting.

I'm at 109 pounds lost right now.....I can't believe how far I've come in 11 months. The time has gone by fast. Progress pictures when I go under 200 which hopefully will be here soon!


Prissy: Mammy, here's Miss Scarlet's vittles.
Scarlett: You can take it all back to the kitchen; I won't eat a bite.
Mammy: Yes'm you is, you's gonna eat every mouthful of this.
Scarlett: No... I'm... NOT.