Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weight Watchers?

So, after struggling with losing more weight these past 9 months or so, I decided to join Weight Watchers. One of my girlfriends and I took the plunge last week and I lost 3 lbs in week one. I lost 60 something pounds with WW years ago, so I know this program works and it's going to get me to my goal weight.

More to come.....

"I am beginning to measure myself in strength, not pounds. Sometimes in smiles." -Laurie Halse Anderson

Monday, March 22, 2010


It's been a long time since I've blogged. There hasn't been anything great to write about in the weight loss area, so I've just avoided it. I'm getting myself back on track though. Exercise has been pretty good and steady, I've just slacked off on my food choices. Refocusing as I need to reach my goals. Lost 2.5 lbs last week.

I've updated my ticker at the bottom - need to be honest and open with where I'm at. Under 200 lbs in 3 months is my goal. Mini-training should help. That and making healthy food choices.

More soon,

"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song." -Unknown