Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weight Watchers?

So, after struggling with losing more weight these past 9 months or so, I decided to join Weight Watchers. One of my girlfriends and I took the plunge last week and I lost 3 lbs in week one. I lost 60 something pounds with WW years ago, so I know this program works and it's going to get me to my goal weight.

More to come.....

"I am beginning to measure myself in strength, not pounds. Sometimes in smiles." -Laurie Halse Anderson

Monday, March 22, 2010


It's been a long time since I've blogged. There hasn't been anything great to write about in the weight loss area, so I've just avoided it. I'm getting myself back on track though. Exercise has been pretty good and steady, I've just slacked off on my food choices. Refocusing as I need to reach my goals. Lost 2.5 lbs last week.

I've updated my ticker at the bottom - need to be honest and open with where I'm at. Under 200 lbs in 3 months is my goal. Mini-training should help. That and making healthy food choices.

More soon,

"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song." -Unknown

Monday, October 12, 2009

True Confessions

So, I haven't posted in a long while. I've slacked off this summer. My goal was to be under 200 lbs by the end of the summer....well, I'm not there yet. I've gotten too liberal with my eating and I'm not going to the gym often enough. You lose a big chunk of weight, start feeling pretty good about yourself, all of your clothes fit.......it's easy to lose focus on the end goal.

Time to get myself in check. I want to be at goal by my two year surgiversary which is only 6 months away. I also want to run at least half of the 2010 Indy mini and Larry and I are planning on doing a mini-triathalon next summer - need to get my hiney on that treadmill! I'm rededicating today.

I'll be posting more often - check back in on me!

"Stand up and finish what you started" -Bob Harper (from the Biggest Loser)

Friday, May 15, 2009

One year later....

I had my one year check up with my surgeon, Dr. Evanson, last week. I'm actually 13 months out, but there were some scheduling conflicts, so I just had my one year check up. He is very pleased with my progress and says I'm actually ahead of schedule. I wanted to be under 200 lbs by my one year surgiversary - I'm at 214 - sigh! Close. I'll get there.

Reflection time:

4/2/08: 328
Now: 214

4/2/08: 54.58 - Morbidly obese
Now: 35.61 - just regular obese - on my way to being just overweight - woohoo!

Health issues:
4/2/08 - was taking medication for high blood pressure, knees crackled like crazy, winded going up the stairs
Now: Blood pressure is normal - no meds, knees survived the mini-marathon, and I can run around in the yard with the kids without being out of breath.

4/2/08: Size 26/28 or xxxl tops. Squeezing into my size 26 pants
Now: xl or size 14/16 tops. Size 18 pants - and I just bought a pair of size 16 capris!


This picture was taken 4/1/08, the night before surgery:

Me and Dr. E at my one year checkup, 5/7/09

Life is good! Only 64 more pounds to go until I hit my goal of 150. I'll post again at the 199 mark!

"You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance." ~Lee Iacocca

13.1 Miles!

When I decided to have bariatric surgery, Larry talked me into signing up for Indianapolis' Mini Marathon. The Indy mini is held the first weekend in May every year and is the kickoff to the 500 festival and all of the activities surrounding the Indianapolis 500. It's the largest mini marathon in the country - 35,000 people participate every year. Larry's has done it the past several year and I enthusiastically told him I would sign up. Well, about 2 months ago I was like, "why in the heck did I agree to this?" I have been working out, but hadn't been formally training for the 13.1 mile trek. I was paranoid I wouldn't finish in the 4 hours time frame and would have to get picked up by the slow bus. I definitely would have backed out if it hadn't been for the fact that my Aunt Karon was flying in from California for the mini. How could I drop out when she had bought her plane ticket and was flying all the way here just to do this with us? Well, thank goodness I didn't, because we did it, in 3 hours and 45 minutes, and had a great time! What a sense of accomplishment it was to run across that finish line (we walked the whole thing, but ran the last .25 miles for the photos - ha!). It was me, Larry, Aunt Karon, Erin, and Erin's mom, Donna participating. We met up with Aunt Karon's friend, Paula too. We're doing it again next year and my goal is to run half of it. Me, chubby Sarah, running? Who would have ever thought I would have that goal?

Me and Larry:

I did it!

After picture: Donna, Erin, Larry, Karon, me

Before: me, Larry, Donna, Erin, Karon

"You can do anything you wish to do, have anything you wish to have, be anything you wish to be." ~Robert Collier

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Slowly but surely....

Milestone this morning - his 219. Only 20 pounds until I go under the 200 mark. Weight loss has been really slow lately. Mostly due to my own fault of snacking too much. Now that my surgiversary is less than a month away, I'm kicking my hiney back into control.

Even though the scale hasn't moved much, the exercise is paying off in my clothes. At Old Navy last week I was able to buy a size 18 pants (not 18W, but a regular 18!) and an XL sweater. It's been a super long time since I didn't have at least two X's in my size! So, that has been exciting.

I'm at 109 pounds lost right now.....I can't believe how far I've come in 11 months. The time has gone by fast. Progress pictures when I go under 200 which hopefully will be here soon!


Prissy: Mammy, here's Miss Scarlet's vittles.
Scarlett: You can take it all back to the kitchen; I won't eat a bite.
Mammy: Yes'm you is, you's gonna eat every mouthful of this.
Scarlett: No... I'm... NOT.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Back on track

Whew! I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted. It's been a wild month weight wise. I spent two weeks in Tampa, FL training for my new position at work. Two weeks of eating out for lunch and dinner and not exercising. I gained 4 pounds. :( Got back on track though when I got home and lost those 4 pounds plus 3 more. I've been hitting the gym hard and really focusing on what and how much I'm eating. Plus, I had gotten lax and was allowing myself to have more soda than I should. Granted it's diet, but I have trouble controlling how much I drink. I'm limiting myself to one a day and really chugging the crystal lite.

Two highlights from my trip though. I hadn't flown in a long time and was so relieved that the seatbelt fit easily and I even had to tighten up the belt! Yea! Plus, we did quite a bit of shopping in the evenings and I bought a sweater at Banana Republic! I was so excited - a size XL from a regular store! I've always loved their clothes and it was so fun to be able to wear something from there. I still haven't ventured into Ann Taylor Loft......I'm waiting until I'm confident something will fit - that is my goal store! Plus, tops are one thing - it's the pants that will be the true test!

I'm back on my way down. I'll check back in at the -110 mark!

"Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." -Unknown