Saturday, April 5, 2008

Well, I did it! Had the surgery on Wednesday...came home from the hospital yesterday (Friday). I'm doing pretty good. I had quite a bit of nausea after the surgery and I'm still struggling with that, but it's getting better. I'm not at all hungry. It's so bizarre for me to not be able to finish my 2 oz meal! I'm also working on finding a protein drink that tastes ok. I bought some Slim Fast and some other premade drink at GNC - both of which aren't great. We can also mix 4 cups milk with 1 cup of dry milk for our protein drinks. That can be mixed with sugar free syrups and frozen fruit. I've been able to stomach that, so I think that's what I'm going to be using from now on.

Kevin has been great taking care of the kids and not asking me to do much since I've been home. It was also great to have my mom here while I was in the hospital so Kevin had some help with the kids and could also come and spend some time with me at the hospital.

I had gained 4 pounds in the hospital - from all of the fluids they were pumping into me. I go and see my surgeon again the first of May. He said he's expecting me to be down around 30 pounds by then. I sure hope so! My goal is to lose 100 pounds by Christmas.

More later....thanks for everyone's calls and e-mails of support!


Mary said...

Hang in there! I am so pumped about this, Sarah! It is going to start coming off like crazy now :). Miss you! See you this weekend!

Mom E said...

Congratulations Sarah, you are doing great. Keep up the great work and positive attitude. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

I thought the guy at GNC was great and I'm sure he will be able to help you find something that works for you. I'm proud of you Sarah!!

K-Ron said...

Keep up the good work and that positive out look!! If you Erin and Larry do the Indy Mini next year, count me in . I am on my way back for it!!!

I am excited to hear every detail as you become the incredible shrinking woman!!!

Love ya,