Monday, July 14, 2008

I haven't updated in a while, so I thought I better write an update. Weight loss has slowed down some. I'm at minus 62.5 pounds now. Only lost a few pounds over the past few weeks. I frantically e-mailed one of our dieticians. She told me:

This is very normal to have happen. Your body is adjusting to the rapid weight loss. Just make sure you are eating 3 meals/day (3 ounces/meal with 2 ounces in protein) + the 24 ounces of milk OR 1 protein bar/day between meals. Keep it up with the walking and fluids. Only weigh yourself 1 time/week if you can help it. If you feel like this is what you are doing then be patient and it will start soon. If you are already getting close to the 200# mark focus on the inches more than the pounds, very common for it to seem like you are not losing. Remember, the lower you weigh the slower you lose. Focus on the things you can control: food choices, activity, and fluids. Keep it up, it sounds like you are doing great!


Dawn Boxell, RD, CD

So, that made me feel better and then I had a 2.5 pound loss over the weekend. Woohoo! I don't think I'll hit my goal of -75 by August 4, but at least the scale is moving again and I know I'm doing everything I can to make my goal of losing 178 pounds a reality.

Have a great week everyone!

"By Perseverance the snail reached the ark." -Charles Haddon Spurgeon


Anonymous said...

You're doing great & look even better !!

K-Ron said...

Keep up the great work. I think the quote about the snail is right on point. It will be like the Indy Mini. We my not be fast, but we will finish by keeping our eye on the goal. You will do it.

Love ya lots

Jenbug said...

Fantastic!! :) I'm so proud of you!!