Monday, October 6, 2008

Checking in

I'm at 84 pounds right now. All of a sudden the scale has started moving again - whoop whoop! Only 16 more pounds until the big 100! This is the most weight I've ever lost at one time. The exercise is definitely paying off. With the scale and my clothes - I'm fitting into everything better and I pulled some clothes out my tub of "used to fit" clothes and have added some of them back into my closet because they finally fit again!

Now with Mary getting engaged and planning the wedding for March, I'm doubly motivated to get these pounds off asap - this will probably be the last wedding I'm in and I want to make sure I don't look like a parade float in my dress! Luckily she is thinking she is going to have us get black bridesmaid's dresses, so that will be slimming - thanks Mary! I'm heading up to Fort Wayne this weekend to go wedding dress shopping with Mom and Mary - I can't wait! Wedding planning is going to be so much fun!

I'll check back in at the 90 pound mark!

BMI on April 2 = 54.6
Current BMI = 40.6

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." -Norman Vincent Peale

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