Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Muy Bueno!

Mary and I did a Zumba class last night at my gym. Very fun! It's all latin dancing. The class was about an hour long and was a good workout. Felt a little goofy trying to get all of the steps, but everyone else was looking lost too, so that worked out ok. A little non-scale victory at the end. We were stretching and the instructor had us do that stretch where you bend your knee and grab your ankle behind you. I could never do that when I would take exercise classes before - well I did it last night!! Granted I had trouble keeping my balance and had to hold onto Mary, but I was able to grab my ankle. Whoop whoop!

If you haven't tried Zumba yet - get out there and find a class. It's fun exercise!

"We are fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance." -Japanese proverb

1 comment:

Jenbug said...

Sarah - that is so awesome. I am so excited for you and the progress you have made. Keep up the good work...I want to go to a Zumba class with and Mary some time, too! :)