Monday, March 31, 2008

It's here

It's late Monday night. Wednesday is my surgery. It seemed like so far away that I can't believe it's time. I'm done eating the old way. Tomorrow, the day before surgery, I have to eat a liquid diet in preparation. I'm nervous, excited, anxious, and most of all, ready for the surgery. It's time to get it over with and start losing weight. I'm posting some before pictures. Not very flattering in my black cami top, but I didn't want to try and hide in a big T-shirt. Hopefully wearing a smaller top will make my after pictures more impressive! Next time I write I'll be post-surgery and on the road to a lighter/healthier Sarah!


It's me! said...

Go Sarah! We're looking forward to watching you disappear, pound by pound. Dad and I are routing for you, and praying for you. It takes a lot of courage to do what you're doing. But you can do it! We love ya!
Mom & Dad (in-law)

K-Ron said...

I am sooooooo proud of you. I can't wait till we can celebrate with a shopping spree for new close for you when you get to your goal!!!! Nordstroms here we come.

Love you
Aunt Karon

Erin said...

2009 Indy Mini is 394 short days away....we look forward to team "Eckert/Moore" posting some good results!!!

Love you,

L & E

Anonymous said...

You're such a great friend and I'm excited for you. We'll go on our first Vic. Secret trip together. ;)Look out sexy panties here we come !!