Monday, December 22, 2008

Hip Hip Hooray!

When I had my surgery back in April, my goal was to lose 100 pounds by Christmas. Well, I cut it close, but I hit my 100 pounds today! Whoop whoop! This is the most weight I've ever lost at one time and this is the least I've weighed since high school! Only 78 more pounds to go and I'll be at my ultimate goal of 150 pounds.

Some before and nows:

BMI before: 54.6
BMI now: 37.9

Size before: 26 pants (and they were tight!), size 26/28 or 3x top
Size now: size 18 pants, size 14/16 or 1x top

BP before: High! Was on BP meds
BP now: normal. Was 116/80 at my last Dr.'s visit

A lot of people ask me if I feel better now that I've lost a significant amount of weight. I do feel good, but I never really felt that bad before. That is part of the reason I decided to do the surgery - to prevent having all of the problems associated with being morbidly obese. My knees do crackle less, but my left knee does cause some pain while I'm working out. I'm sure I've done permanent damage to it, but maybe it will be a good reminder for me as to why I need to keep the weight off.

So, now on to the next goal of being under 200 pounds by my one year surgiversary of April 2. Only 29 more pounds to go! I can do it!

Check out my before/now pictures below. What do you think of that fancy new workout wear I got for Christmas from mom and dad? Snazzy huh? Wouldn't have been caught dead in that 100 pounds ago!!

Have a safe and merry Christmas everyone!

Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me."

1 comment:

K-Ron said...

You look wonderful and I know you are so much healthier. Your health is the best Christmas you could give me and the rest of the family. We are all so proud of you!!! Keep up the good work!!

Love ya,