Monday, October 12, 2009

True Confessions

So, I haven't posted in a long while. I've slacked off this summer. My goal was to be under 200 lbs by the end of the summer....well, I'm not there yet. I've gotten too liberal with my eating and I'm not going to the gym often enough. You lose a big chunk of weight, start feeling pretty good about yourself, all of your clothes's easy to lose focus on the end goal.

Time to get myself in check. I want to be at goal by my two year surgiversary which is only 6 months away. I also want to run at least half of the 2010 Indy mini and Larry and I are planning on doing a mini-triathalon next summer - need to get my hiney on that treadmill! I'm rededicating today.

I'll be posting more often - check back in on me!

"Stand up and finish what you started" -Bob Harper (from the Biggest Loser)

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